Beautifully Flawed

Hello Ladies!

I was inspired to start this blog after watching the hit television shows like Being Mary Jane and The Real Housewives of Atlanta. They question that comes to mind is “Why can’t women get along?” Well I think I have found the answer to that question. We are  complex and complicated. We as women often find ourselves envious of our family, friends, and even co-workers. We are envious in many ways such as jealousy, pettiness, and selfishness. I like to call it beautifully flawed. We are insecure of ourselves, so we find ways to bring other women down, even if it means to laugh at their failures to make ourselves feel better.We live in a world where our image speaks volume over our personality. We feel as if we have to be a certain size, rock the latest name brand purses and designer clothes. Women can be very cut throat by saying things that we really do not mean, but at that very moment, it feels like the right thing to do. We have to keep up with the latest trends of both fashion and make-up. Instead of focusing on the negative things that women go through, I choose to focus on the positive things. I believe that giving a woman a complement goes a long way. We as women should make each other feel confident and beautiful. We should celebrate each other, by praying for each other. If only we could see each other, the way that God sees us. I believe that he made us all different for a reason. I am proud to say that I am a beautifully flawed woman, with insecurities of jealously, pettiness, and selfishness traits, but instead of putting down on my fellow sisters, I choose to uplift and celebrate her life. Can you say the same?

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